10 oct 2011

Forthcoming Events

Events on October-November

  • Halloween Party   Date: 1st of November   

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  • Visit to "San Isidro Labrador Farm" with Kid Courses   Date: 18th of November

News: Fox renews 'The Simpsons' for two more seasons

Fox said it had renewed animated TV series "The Simpsons" for another two seasons, after apparently reaching a pay deal with voice actors.
"Fox has renewed 'The Simpsons', the longest running comedy in television history, for an incredible 24th and 25th season," the network said in a statement.
Fox Television, a unit of New Corp , had said earlier this week that it could no longer afford to keep producing the show without a pay cut of 45 percent for the main voice actors.
The actors had offered to take a 30 percent pay cut in their $8 million annual salaries in return for a share of billions of dollars generated by the show in world-wide licensing, syndication and merchandising.
The dispute had threatened to end the satirical parody of work class American life, which is the longest running comedy series on US televison and is currently in its 23rd season.
The Fox statement did not say how the dispute had been resolved.

2 oct 2011

Welcome to our new blog!

Kiddies! In this blog you'll find: 

  • News
  • Information
  • Exercises
  • Homework
  • Photos
  • Videos
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And... Much more but in English, of course!